Jeolla Gamyeong, the local governing office in charge of Jeolla-do

Jeolla Gamyeong is a regional governing office that oversees the Ildo of Jeolla Province and has been located in Jeonju for more than 500 years of the Joseon Dynasty. It is an area that includes Jeollabuk-do during the Joseon Dynasty and includes Jeollabuk-do, Jeollanam-do, and Jeju-do. After entering the Japanese colonial period, the Jeollabuk-do Provincial Office was established in the place of Jeollagamyeong. In 2005, when the Jeonbuk Provincial Office moved to the new city center, discussions on restoration of Jeollagamyeong began in earnest. As Honam's leading city, Jeonju is to restore the historicity and revitalize the original city center. After a long discussion, Gamyeong restoration began with the demolition of the old provincial government building in 2015, and the first phase project was completed and opened in October 2020.


Seonhwadang is the office of Jeolla Auditorium. The title of Seonhwadang comes from ¡°Seungryu Seonhwa (ã¯×µà¾ûù),¡± which means ¡®to cultivate in honor of the king¡¯s name.¡¯
In 1597 (Seonjo 30), it was burned down during Jeong Yoo-jae, and the following year, in 1598, Hwang Shin, the Jeonna Gamson, rebuilt it, and in 1771, Yun Dong-seung, the Jeolla Gamsa, rebuilt.

After that, it was burned down in a fire in 1792 (Jeongjo 16) and rebuilt by Jeongmin-si of Jeolla-Gamsa. Seonhwadang survived even after liberation, but during the Korean War in 1951, a rocket bomb exploded in the provincial government office, which was used as an arsenal of the National Police Agency, and was destroyed along with the main building of the provincial office.

Seonhwadang is a large building with 7 squares in front and 4 squares on the side, and is the largest building in Jeonju-buseong after Gaeksa.


Yeonshindang is the home of Jeolla-Gambling. It was founded in 1688 (14th year of King Sukjong) by Jeolla-Gamsa (Lee Gung)
The name Yeonshindang comes from ``Noneo'' and ``Sulyi Pyeon'' in ``When Confucius was resting at home, his heart seemed gentle, generous, and joyful (í­ñýæØËÜ ãéãéåýå¥ èìèìåýå¥). .

It means that thanksgiving is a place where you can relax. Gyeongsanggamyeong was called Jingcheonggak (ó¥ôèÊÈ).

Painting tree

The painting tree is commonly referred to as'seonbi tree' and'scholar'. This is because the branches of the tree stretch freely like the spirit of a scholar.
This painting tree has a lifespan of more than 250 years and is the only trace of Jeollagamyeong that exists.

Before the demolition of the former provincial government building, a painting tree was surrounded by the assembly building.


After Seonhwadang, Gwanpunggak is the second government office in which the auditor handles politics.
The name Gwanpunggak comes from the ¡°Gwanpungchalsok (κù¦óÌáÔ),¡± which is the duty of appreciation, ¡°to examine the customs and civil affairs.¡±

Seonhwadang and Gwanpunggak's heads contain the duties of appreciation symbolically and implicitly.

Pole and waste-rock

Paroles are installed on the left (east side) below the island to make sinners regret their mistakes, while waste stones are installed on the right (west side) to make people complain about their resentment.
Parole and waste stone show the judicial function of Gamyeong, meaning that thanksgiving should edify the people by virtue and enlighten them, and make the trial fair so that there is no resentment.

There are paroles and waste-rocks under the island stone of Hyeongjo, which deals with law. According to ¡ºJurye¡», Gaseok is a stone with a beautiful pattern, and those who have made a mistake see it and regret it, and waste-seok is a red stone.

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